Government & Big Tech: Blockchain set to redefine world’s most powerful institutions

Future Blockchain Summit
2 min readSep 2, 2020
Photo by Frederic Köberl on Unsplash

Industry insiders are no strangers to what Blockchain can achieve. Increase trust. Reduce cost. Protect data.

However, while Blockchain remains one of the world’s best kept secrets to the general public, it is set to revolutionise the ways that they interact with their government.

By the same token, the world’s biggest corporations now know just how Blockchain will redefine how they engage with every stakeholder in their value chain.

The Future Blockchain Summit’s hardest hitting agenda yet is set to bridge the divide between governments and their citizens — all through the world’s most disruptive technology — as well as showcasing the world’s biggest brands who are putting Blockchain at the core of their enterprise transformation strategy.

With worldwide spending on Blockchain technology projected to hit $11.7 billion by 2022, forward-thinking organisations across the world such as Smart Dubai and the Dubai Future Foundation are focusing on ways to harness the potential of this pivotal technology.

Blockchain will disrupt the world’s most powerful institutions and brands, from central governments to the most influential corporations on the planet.

Attendees to the Future Blockchain Summit Government & Big Tech Track will learn how Blockchain:

  • Can slash government expenditure
    Using Blockchain, governments & corporations can reduce redundancies, streamline processes and ensure data integrity. For example the Dubai government launched its ‘Emirates Blockchain Strategy’ with the aim to execute half of its transactions on the Blockchain by the year 2021. Dubai estimates that the use of Blockchain can help save AED 11 billion in transactions and documents processed routinely.
  • Can protect sensitive data
    Through its authenticated peer-to-peer network, Blockchain enables a single source of truth that is immutable and stores a permanent record of transactions across the entire network. This data is then encrypted via a process known as ‘cryptographic hashing’ making data very hard to manipulate and resistant to hacks.
  • Can build increased trust with citizens
    A key feature of Blockchain technology is transparency. On a Blockchain network participants are able to independently view and verify data through a tool known as a ‘blockchain explorer’. Using this tool citizens worldwide will be able to use the Blockchain to fact check and verify any and all claims and information put forth by governments & corporations.

Interested in learning more about how Blockchain will advance governments and the world’s biggest businesses? Click here to register for the Future Blockchain Summit 2020.

